Friday, April 5

IPL party recipe: Baked sweet-potato fries

IPL party recipe: Baked sweet-potato fries 

The season of IPL has started and it's time to have those much awaited house parties with the spotlight on cricket.

But such a gathering ensures unhealthy eating which ultimately does no one any good. But you can make the IPL parties much more fun by being a bit healthier in terms of what you serve as snacks. That's why Priya Kathpal IndependentNutrition Consultant, Mumbai shares with a simple recipe which is not only delicious but alsohealthy.

Serves 4

Foil for pan.
2 medium sweet potatoes peeled.
2 tbsp rice bran oil.
1 tbsp brown sugar.
Salt and pepper to taste.


1. Preheat oven at 230 degree C.

2. Cut the sweet-potato lengthwise and chop them into thick and long strips.

3. Spread them on the foil with some space around avoiding the piling now mix them with sugar and oil. Bake for 15 mins, turn them around with a help of tongs and bake for 5-7 mins more, until they are lightly browned.

4. Sprinkle salt and pepper.

5. You can either serve them room temperature or cold.


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