Thursday, April 11

Fish can be a baking delight!

Fish can be a baking delight!

One of the best ways to enjoy fish is to bake it. Unfortunately, we overdo the fish, either overcooking it in a curry or leaving it swamped in a marinade and then proceeding to fry it.

But when it comes to baking, the fish flesh lends itself wonderfully to the process, retaining moisture in the bite and leaving in the flavours. Here are tips on this healthy alternative way of cooking it...

Choosing the fish: The fish needs to be fresh and often a whole fish is preferred. However, you might bake fillets too, if required.

Baking white fish: The flesh of white fish is very delicate and therefore, the spices and herbs used during baking must also be minimal.

Using a foil: Though this is a slightly lengthy process (the time taken to cook a whole fish in foil is almost twice as long as a single fillet), one of the nicest ways is to bake it in a foil. This not only retains the moisture but also can infuse fish with the ingredients that you are adding. The only things to remember here are to first ensure that the fish is cleaned inside and out and the body cavity is well stuffed with herbs, ginger, garlic etc.

On a bed of vegetables: Here, the flavour of the vegetables gets infused into the fish. To start with, you marinate the fish with your crushed garlic, greens, lime juice, coriander leaves, salt and olive oil (use herbs, too). Line the baking tray with onions, peppers,carrots and potatoes and sprinkle it with lime juice. Place the fish on top of this and drizzle olive oil on it to keep it moist. Add the herbs and spices. Bake uncovered in the oven.

Recipe: Easy baked Mackerel
Fillets — 2
Olive oil
Thyme — 1 tsp, chopped
Ginger — one small piece, grated
Lemon slices
Parsley — a little

- Preheat the oven at 200 degrees.
- Remove the bones from the mackerel fillet and brush olive oil over it.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Make cuts in the mackerel and push lime, herbs and ginger into them.
- Line baking tray with a baking sheet and place fillets in them, skin-side up.
- Bake the fillets in the oven for 20 minutes or until skin is crisp.
- Serve on a bed of baked baby potatoes with lemon wedges.


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